Money Management & Tax Support
for Individuals, Families, LLCs, Sole Proprietors, Landlords, and those with Estate & Trust documents.
G.O.L.D Hummingbird
The G.O.L.D. stands for God Overcomes Life’s Difficulties.
I believe, just as it says in Romans 8:28…”that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
That is why I want to help people who have been called into business but are struggling to manage the financial aspects of a small business. Let me be clear: I am not an accountant. I do understand the financial side of business. I want to make this as easy as possible for you, because you are not an accountant either!
There is one thing I do know: most small businesses struggle with systems and money management making tax season a virtual nightmare. In my previous tax practice, I spent 5 years with people coming to me, year after year, with a pile of paperwork, receipts, and lists that I was supposed to charge them to organize. Sometimes this meant filing an extension.
The solution?
My services
Tax Preparation
Tax Planning & Strategy
Cashflow Education
Online Courses
“Litonya puts her heart and soul into anything she does & is one of the best resources I know for good, straight information and guidance.”
— Nina Cammann, Client since 2020